Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sept 25 Sea day cruising

Last day of the cruise is a sea day cruising back to Boston and then a flight back to DFW. The weather so far has been great except for two mornings of fog that burned off by noon. Today is very windy at 53 mph winds, some big white cap waves but the ship is not rocking much just a little but it don't seem to be bothering anyone lots of people out and about. I spent a little time packing for tomorrows flight and then went out to have fun on the ship. Tonight for our last meal of the cruise we went to Chops Grill it's a specialty steak house on board, It was great I had a 16oz bone in ribeye and they brought all kinds of different side dishes and was served family style it was so much food and the steaks cut like butter it was the best meal of the trip. all in all a great ending to our cruise. We will be off loading tomorrow morning in Boston and catching our 3:00pm flight back home. It was a great cruise I had an awesome time and saw some great sight's. next trip Egypt march 16 2010.

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